Library Databases
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107 Online Resources Found
AAS Historical Periodicals Series 1-5
Also known as: American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals
Digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals; documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction
Also known as: Includes former INFORM Dateline, Local, & Trade and Industry databases
Business and financial information, trade and industry news, including local and regional business publications
This database is the online equivalent of print journal Abstracts in Anthropology. more
Contains peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the leading journals and reference sources. Extensive coverage of the sciences, technology, medicine, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions; updated daily.
Essential database for articles and other items across a broad range of topics. A great resource for beginning your research.
Accessible Archives is a digital collection of American newspapers, magazines, and other primary source materials mainly from the 18th and 19th centuries. Content includes Civil War era newspapers and memoirs, African American newspapers, the history of women's suffrage, regimental histories, county histories, and more.
Resource for physical therapy students, educators, and those in practice seeking to maintain certification. AccessPhysiotherapy features content from leading McGraw-Hill texts, interactive imaging content, exclusive multimedia, and flexible curricular tools.
Covers articles in computer science and related fields. Full text of items from ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) publications, plus citations from major publishers
ACS American Chemical Society Database
Also known as: American Chemical Society E-Journal Collection
Utica University's subscriptions to ACS Publications
AgeLine focuses exclusively on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. AgeLine is the premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy. AgeLine indexes over 200 journals, books, book chapters, and reports. Publication coverage is from 1978 to the present, with selected coverage from 1966-1977
AMA Manual of Style
Also known as: AMA Style Manual
The official style manual for the American Medical Association and widely used in medical and health fields
Amedeo is a free medical literature service that delivers current, personalized content to your desktop weekly. more Library Edition
Also known as:
College subscription to, the internet's most popular genealogical research source, includes in-depth census, birth, death, marriage, immigration data for individuals, mostly from North America..
APS Journal Legacy Archive
Also known as: American Physiological Society Journal Legacy Archive
The APS Journal Legacy Archive provides full text historical access to 13 American Physiological Society research journals from the first issue published through 1997. Journal titles may be browsed or searched (collectively and individually). more
ArticleFirst is OCLC's index of articles taken from the table of contents pages of journals. more
Biographical, bibliographical and archival information about United States Congress representatives and senators. more
BioMed Central
Also known as: BioMedCentral
Access peer reviewed, original research articles in the biological and medical fields. Please note: a free, one-time registration is required to search the BioMed Central site. The Library does not maintain a subscription to access premium content. more
Business Insights: Essentials
Also known as: Business and Company Resource Center
This business database provides global business, company and industry information. more
This comprehensive business research database incorporates all disciplines and aspects of business and related fields.
Checkpoint Edge
Also known as: Checkpoint Tax
Thomson Reuters Checkpoint, a research service that combines the various types of tax documents into one database. These include "editorial materials" and "primary source materials." more
Complete online version of the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, full text for more of prominent journals in the CINAHL index.
Indexes and abstracts Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities. more
The Cochrane Collection Plus provides evidence-based health care data to inform those providing and receiving care, and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration. This collection consists of 6 individual databases that may be searched independently or in any combination. more
Weekly publications in online format on current hot topics in politics, society, culture, etc.
DSM-5 Library
Also known as: DSM Library
Includes the DSM-5 Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-5 Clinical Cases, DSM-5 Handbook on the Cultural Formulation Interview, and Guía De Consulta De Los Criterios Diagnósticos Del DSM-5 more
The Gannett Library E-Journal Portal is a definitive listing of our online electronic journal and newspaper collection. more
Ebooks via EBSCO
Also known as: EBSCO E-Books
Large collection of ebooks accessible here and through the library catalog.
Browse or search the full list of Gannett Library's subscribed EbscoHost databases. To search multiple databases at once, select each from the Choose Database screen. more
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Also known as: Britannica Online
Over 100,000 encyclopedia articles in full text, Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition via Utica College subscription provides comprehensive coverage in all academic disciplines for basic research. more
ERIC (Ebsco)
Also known as: Education Resources Information Center
Search education literature and resources using the ERIC EbscoHost interface. more
ERIC (Free)
Also known as: Education Resources Information Center
Search education literature and resources using the ERIC free public interface. more
Also known as: OCLC FirstSearch
No full text. Compilation of 10 databases from OCLC, searchable together or separately.
Full text electronic versions of Twayne's Author Series and these three reference works: Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration; Encyclopedia of Recreation & Leisure in America and International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.
News and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily.
Provides a single-source way to search for academic/scholarly literature. Use Settings and My Library to customize content
Indexes and abstracts US government publications. more
GreenFILE is a research database focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment, with well-researched but accessible information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources and beyond. Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology. more
This database covers the personal health, allied health and nursing fields. more
This database provides extensive coverage for the nursing and allied health fields, including clinical pharmacology data. more
HeinOnline Academic
Also known as: Hein Online
Largest fully searchable database: government documents, federal/state law/cases, journals, with comprehensive coverage. Primary/secondary material on slavery, religion and the law, capital punishment, more. Largest fully searchable database: government documents, federal/state law/cases, journals, with comprehensive coverage. Primary/secondary material on slavery, religion and the law, capital punishment, more. Includes a knowledgebase.
International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center EBSCO
Also known as: ISCTRC
This the EBSCOhost interface to this security resource
Kanopy Streaming Videos
Also known as: Kanopy Films & Videos
Due to the high cost of streaming Kanopy titles, the library now provides direct access to a large part of Kanopy, but not to every title. Browsing the Kanopy platform by category/topic will show which videos are immediately available. Faculty and instructors can request from the full collection by using the search feature and within Kanopy requesting it. more
The university library catalog offers information about all the Library Collections. Use this search tool to find out what Gannett Library owns in print, microform and online, including books and journals.
LISTA provides indexing and abstracting for the fields of library and information sciences. more
Designed for use by secondary school students and teachers, MAS Ultra provides access to many timely articles on a wide variety of topics suitable for student projects.
Search authoritative medical information using the FirstSearch MEDLINE interface. more
Search authoritative medical information using the EbscoHost MEDLINE interface. more
Provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,700 contemporary testing instruments in several fields. Produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska.
Retrospective and historical company information, separate from Mergent Online Premier
Mergent Online Premier
Also known as: Mergent Online
Provides comprehensive company data for U.S. and International public and private companies (~35,000 public companies and ~23 million private companies) , including SEC filings (US only) and current and historical annual reports for U.S. and International public companies.
Collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content.
Indexing and abstracting of journal articles, books and dissertations in the literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts fields. more
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database
Also known as: NCJRS Abstracts Database
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database indexes and abstracts criminal justice, juvenile justice and substance abuse materials housed in the NCJRS library collection. more
Collection of filmed pay productions from the British National Theatre available as streaming videos. Also Includes archival material.
New York State Historic Newspapers (Historical)
Also known as: NYS Historic Newspapers, NYS Historical Newspapers
"NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York's unique history"
New York Times Historical via ProQuest
Also known as: ProQuest Historical New York Times
The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-1993) provides search capability subjects and searchable full text, full page, and article-level images from the Historical New York Times (1851-2009)
New York Times Recent (Digital Microfilm)
Also known as: ProQuest Digital Microfilm NYT
3 month embargo on full text images. From 2008, The "Times" in full-image content of every page. The library also provides wide online access to NYT in other resources. New York Times Digital Microfilm starts in 2008.
Provides cover-to-cover full text content for over 20 national (U.S.) & international newspapers, as well as selected full text for over 230 other newspaper titles. more
OED Online
Also known as: Oxford English Dictionary Online
The OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Online is the accepted authority on the history and development of the English language since 1150. OED Online is a guide to the meaning, history and pronunciation of over half a million words, both past and present.
moreOpposing Viewpoints In Context
Also known as: Opposing Viewpoints
Good background and/or opinions on issues and controversies. Opposing Viewpoints re-publishes relevant articles, book excerpts, stats, etc.
Ovid Journals Full Text
Also known as: Journals@Ovid Full Text
Nursing and Physical Therapy Journals: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; Pediatric Physical Therapy
Oxford African American Studies Center
Also known as: Oxford AASC
The Oxford African American Studies Center provides online access to a complete collection of historical, biographical and scholarly resources in African American and Africana studies. more
Indexes and abstracts individual papers presented at conferences worldwide. more
PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database
Also known as: Pedro
Free database of randomized trials, systematic reviews and practice guidelines for evidence-based physiotherapy or physical therapy. Limited full text. Produced by Australian PT association.
This bibliographic database covers scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy, including related interdisciplinary fields such as education, anthropology, history, political science, science, law and religion. more
Index of conference proceedings worldwide. more
Intended for professional educators, librarians, and education researchers, the Professional Development Collection offers information on everything from children's health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice. more
Project Muse is a scholarly, full text e-journal collection with an integrated search engine that provides access to titles in the humanities, arts and social sciences. more
ProQuest Education Journals provides access to over 785 top educational publications, including more than 615 titles in full text. This collection covers not only the literature on primary, secondary, and higher education but also special education, home schooling, adult education, and hundreds of related topics. Image articles include all the charts, tables, diagrams, and other graphical elements.
This database covers the field of health management and administration. more
ProQuest Psychology Journals provides abstracts and indexing for more than 650 titles, with over 540 titles available in full text. This collection encompasses a wide range of topics from leading psychology and psychosomatic publications. In addition to clinical and social psychology, it also provides coverage of related disciplines including genetics, psychology of business and economics, communication, criminology, addiction, neurology, social welfare, and more. more
This multidisciplinary database covers the spectrum of academic disciplines and is designed for the academic researcher. more
ProQuest Social Science Journal Collection is a definitive resource for those who need access to a variety of scientific journals. The database includes over 565 titles, with 58% available in full text. ProQuest Social Science Journals provides information on hundreds of topics, including: more
This database provides indexing and cover-to-cover full text for 27 national newspapers. more
The electronic version of Psychological Abstracts, this database is the definitive resource for psychology and related disciplines. more
PubMed Central (PMC) is a free digital archive of life sciences journal literature. more
A companion database to Business Source Premier, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. more
Provides access to approximately 1,000 SAGE journals in multiple subject areas.
Science Online
Also known as: Science Magazine
Provides access to Science magazine online, a peer-reviewed outlet for scientific news, commentary and cutting-edge research. The Library does not maintain a subscription to this resource. more is a gateway to authoritative selected science information provided by U.S. Government agencies including research and development results. allows you to search over 1850 US government agency sites in a single interface. more
ScienceDirect is one of the largest providers of scientific, technical and medical literature. Many articles are available via open access.
moreDeveloped for elementary school students, Searchasaurus includes a children's dictionary, encyclopedia, image searching and a visual search. This database may be of interest to education majors and other disciplines involving school-age children.
Intended for librarians and information professionals, this database provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information as well as current pricing structures for popular serials. more
Offering more peer-reviewed, full-text journals than any other sociology research database, Sociology Source Ultimate provides the must-have materials for students studying social behavior and interaction. Topics range from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.
Full-text database covering sports and sports medicine journals and providing full text for hundreds of journals and indexing for additional items
Tangerine, The
Also known as: Utica College The Tangerine
Utica College student newspaper as digitized n the New York State Historic Newspaper Project. (Oct. 1947 - May 2020).
Teacher's Reference Center
Also known as: TRC
Teacher's Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracting to the most popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals and books. Intended for K-12 teachers, administrators, and librarians. more
Also known as: Ulrich's Periodical Directory
Ulrichsweb is an authoritative database covering journals, magazines, newspapers and other periodicals from around the world. Search and browse unbiased, in-depth bibliographic information for more than 300,000 serials, including: academic and scholarly journals, peer-reviewed titles, online publications, newspapers and other serial resources. more
Evidence based clinical decision support from Wolters Kluwer is trusted at the point of care by clinicians worldwide . This resource is for use by graduate-level nursing students ONLY. For access and registration, contact Janice Ceccucci
US History Collection
Also known as: U.S. History Collection
Covers events in US history & scholarship on US history, useful to both the novice students and academic researchers
Utica Observer-Dispatch Archive
Also known as: Newsbank Utica Observer-Dispatch
January 2019 and will build out daily. 90 Day embargo.
Utica University Theses & Capstones
Also known as: Dissertations at Utica University
Log in required for access to PDF's of all recent capstone projhects and master's these at Utica College
War and Terrorism Collection
Also known as: War & Terrorism Collection
Periodical collection for beginning students of military science, history, social science, as well as analysts and risk management professionals
Covers magazine and journal articles about current events and general world history . Suitable for beginning students as well as the more advanced researcher.
A database of all dissertations and theses available in WorldCat